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Популярно о нанотехнологиях в ангоязычном варианте

Nanomaterials and nanotechnology products have features or particle sizes in the... ... Nanotechnology products are consolidated materials or devices that utilize nanostructures. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Products. Nanomaterials... ... (C60) molecules with a cage-like structure of 60 or more atoms. Nanotubes are toroidal-shaped fullerene molecules or strings of... ... nanomaterials and nanotechnology products include nanofibers, nanowires, nanopowders, and nanopartiluates. Nanomaterials and...

Изменен: 06.06.2015
nanomaterials , nanotechnology , nanostructures , fullerenes , buckyballs , nanotubes , nanofibers , nanowires , nanopowders , nanocomposites
Путь: Главная – Нанотехнологическое общество России / Мир нанотехнологий / Популярно о нанотехнологиях

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